
Hello! My name is...

My name is, err.. well let it be anonymous for now. This blog is where i hope to let out all my thoughts and literature. I've been yearning to create a blog since good 5 years now. But i never encouraged this thought until a few months back. And today i have finally gathered the courage to start my blog (sounds as though i am about to confess something to someone, but fortunately or unfortunately, no it's not the case). Well, to introduce myself without giving away my name, I'd say I'm a girl who has conflicting traits ( i guess the blog address gives it away, maybe?). Inside i'll be a burning hell while on the outside i'll be like calm lake. And my mind, a pandemonium of thoughts. It's difficult for me to understand myself and my emotions at times. I hope this blog would help me in discovering myself better and getting to know new people as well! I'm described as awkward and quiet by strangers, funny and weird by friends and talkative, weird an